
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

40-Days Rosary Novena

Lent officially starts with "Ash Wednesday", this year on it falls on February 13, 2013.

40-Day Rosary Novena (20 Mysteries/20 Decades)

Let us pray together with the following common intentions:

1. Peace and Unity for all the people in the world.
2. For Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, The cardinals who will vote in the Conclave (may the be guided by the Holy Spirit), & The New Bishop of Rome & Successor of Peter.
3. For the Canonization Of Our Blessed Pope John Paul II
4. For the conversion of Sinners & unbelievers.
5. For our Own Special Intentions.

The five Joyful Mysteries

The five Luminous/Light Myteries

The five Sorrowful Mysteries

The five Glorious Mysteries

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